International cooperation
The chair of Stomatological Propaedeutics "Pavel Godoroja" of SUMPh "N. Testemiţanu "has collaborations with the Romanian Universities of Medicine (" G.T.Popa "- Iaşi," I. Haţieganu "- Cluj," C. Davila "- Bucharest) and the United States of America, North Carolina.
1. Collaboration with the Eastern Virginia Medical School, Old Dominion University, College of Health Sciences at the School of Public Health Management, 31 May 2016 (Uncuta Diana, Chief of Chair of Stomatological Propaedeutics "Pavel Godoroja")
2.Presentation of the course "Medical simulation in the context of health system development in the Republic of Moldova" (Iurie Săratila, Diana Uncuţa, Snejana Vetrilă) 27 May 2016.
Organized scientific events:
International Specialized Exhibition "Moldmedizin & Molddent" 13-16 September 20171. Expoziția internațională specializată
Annual Scientific Conference of the University Days 16-20 October 2017 2. Conferința Științifică anuală
Scientific-Practical Conference: "Actualities in Dentistry" 3. Conferința Științifico-practică
Workshop "Oral pathology Norway-Eurasia" Collaboration Project 2-7 September 2017 workshop 2017
Persons who have completed internships abroad:
1. Marina Iurie training course "Psycho-pedagogy of Higher Education" Marina Iurie
2. Ivasiuc Irina training course "Psycho-pedagogy of Higher Education"Ivasiuc Irina
3. Oineagra Vadim, specialization stage at "Lucian Blaga" University, specialty Propedeutic Dentist Oineagră Vadim
Participation of 2nd year students at the "Первые шаги в стоматологии" Olympics, Moscow, Russia in the chair of Pavel Ephemeral Dental Propedeutics 2016-2017 Olimpiada Stomatologica Moscova
International cooperation
The teaching staff members of the departments of the USMF Dentistry Faculty "Nicolae Testemitanu", through collaboration agreements of various lengths, reported in Romania (Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj Napoca), Turkey (Istanbul, Ankara), Russia (Moscow) (Poltava); Greece; Austria (Vienna), Germany (Stuttgart).
The Faculty of Dentistry of the USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" has cooperation agreements with UMF "Gr.T. Popa "Iasi, Romania, no. 8334 of 18.05.2009; Framework Agreement for bilateral inter-university cooperation with "Iuliu Haţieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania since 08.02.2010, until now; collaboration agreement with UMF "Carol Davila", Bucharest, Romania, no. 3.100 of 03.02.2015; university cooperation agreement with UMF "Victor Babeş". Timisoara, Romania, no. 2867 of 10.04.2012.
Within the activities organized by the Days of UMF University "Gr.T. Popa "Iasi, at the invitation of Prof. Norina Forna, Mr. V. Fala supported the report entitled" Disocclusion in Prof. R. Slavicek's vision ", which was awarded the honorary diploma.
Doctorand T. Porosencova performs the scientific research "Early Diagnosis of Incipient Chronic Marginal Periodontitis and Measures to Prevent Its Advancement" at the University of Cluj Napoca, which performs the function of cotlet, Mândra Eugenia Badea.
In 2012, the laureate Cheptanaru Olga, Propedeutic Dentistry Chair "Pavel Godoroja", runs the scientific research "Particularities in the prosthetic treatment of patients with edentulous jaws", where she was approved as a co-ordinator by Mrs. Norina Consuela Forna, Doctor in professor, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr.T.Popa", Iasi, Romania.
In the framework of the international collaboration with the University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry, USA, the Dental School organizes courses and presentations of university professors based on the memorandum of intent of 22 April 1999 between R.M. and the State of North Carolina, USA, which continues until 2018.
Mrs. Diana Uncuţa Ph.D., chief of Chair of Stomatological Propaedeutics "Pavel Godoroja" was appointed as Deputy Assistant Professor at the Department of Dental Ecology in School of Dentistry at the University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill from 01.01.2011 until present. This collaboration was attended by US doctors: Dr. St. Mackler, Dr. B
Mrs. Diana Uncuţa dr. Hab. Del. med., conf.univ., chief of Chair of Stomatological Propaedeutics "Pavel Godoroja" is a member of the International College of Dentists, European Section from 2011 until now.
The Memorandum of Understanding of 22 April 1999 between R.M. and the State of North Carolina, USA, which started the collaboration between Dentistry Oversease and the USMF IP "Nicolae Testemitanu", the Faculty of Dentistry (March 13, 2001). The areas of cooperation are: providing support in the field of scientific and academic research, increasing the level of cultural awareness and understanding of common values through art, humanities and education, promoting the raising of living standards through academic exchanges and students. This collaboration continues to this day.
During the years 2000-2018 at the University Dental Clinic no. 1 and nr. 2 of the USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" were supported by US dentists and students, which addressed new topics related to dental traumas in children, particularities of endodontic treatment, anatomy of teeth with short roots, methods of diagnosis and modern treatment in orthodontics and organizing the study process at UNC Dental School, Chapel Hill, USA. This collaboration partnership between USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" and UNC Dental School, Chapel Hill, North Carolina USA, has been developing successfully over 18 years.
As a result of this fruitful collaboration, the scientific and didactic staff of the USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" IP of the stomatology faculty had the opportunity to participate in the exchange of experience in the scientific, educational and curricular field of UNC Dental School, Chapel Hill, USA, 2-9 November 2013 and 2014.
During the years 2000-2018, consultations, diagnostic procedures, free dental treatments provided to children separated from parents from the boarding school, for orphans and other children were performed at the departments of Pavel Godoroja Stomatological Propaedeutics and Pediatric OMF Surgery, Pediatrics and Orthodontics. Moldovan dentists, Diana Uncuta, Head of Stomatological Propaedeutics Chair USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu", US dentists - Burton Horwitz, Stephen Mackler, visiting Moldavia for 8th time, dentists Fellicia Swinney, Nazir Ahmad, students from Moldova: Ana-Patricia Gumeniuc, Grigore Lozovanu, Victoria Eftodii, Dumitru Chele, US students: Carly Antor, Megan Hayworth, Caroline Latta, Alisson Tran, Caitlin Thomas.
Students worked in teams and were supervised by Moldovan and US teachers. During this period, about 80 children were treated free of charge, consumables and dental materials being provided by American partners.
7th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors Medespera 2018