National collaboration
Cooperation within the national framework
The scientific and didactic staff who are collaborators of the faculty of dentistry are members of the ASRM and actively participate in organizing seminars, conferences and congresses of the association. During the period 2014-2018, ASRM is still the founder of the periodical, the journal "Dentistry", and the SUMPh "Nicolae Testemitanu" is a co-founder. Editor-in-chief of the journal "Dental Medicine" was Ion Lupan, dr. hab.st.med., Dean of the Dentistry Department, Head of Pediatric OMF Surgery Chair, Pedodontics and Orthodontics (2014-2017).
The editorial board of the journal "Dental Medicine" consists of notorious names from USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu":
- Ion Ababii, academician, prof.univ .;
- A. Baraniuc, PhD. med., conf.univ.,
- V. Burlacu, PhD. prof. univ., Ph.D.,
- I. Munteanu, dr. hab.st.med. prof. univ.
- Gh. Nicolau, dr. hab.st.med, prof. univ.
- D. Şcerbatiuc, dr. hab.st.med. prof. univ.
- S. Sirbu, PhD. prof. univ., Ph.D.,
- V. Topalo, dr. hab.st.med. prof. univ.
- N. Chele, PhD. med., associate professor and from abroad.
- The executive editorial group consists of O. Solomon, PhD. med., ass. professor, who is coordinator and treasurer of ASRM.
- Since 2017 Diana Uncuţa, dr. Hab. Was added to the editorial board of the journal "Dentistry". Del. Med., PhD, Chief of Chair of Dentistry Propedeutics "Pavel Godoroja" The journal "Dentistry", during the years 2011-2013, as a scientific publication was classified in the "C" category, accredited by CNAA of ASRM, registration certificate no. 61 of 30.04.2009, and no. 3 and 4 of the year 2013 have already been classified in the "B" category (Decision no.270 of 31.10.2013).
Community program. Improving oral hygiene skills among children preschool children at the Jewish Community Center in Chisinau Main Investigators:
Main Investigators:
First name and surname: Uncle Diana Boris
Qualification: dentist, upper category, dr. hab.st.med, ass.prof.
Function: Chief of Stomatological Propaedeutics Chair "Pavel Godoroja"
Department (Employer): IP USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"
Address: mun. Chisinau, 1A Mihai Viteazul street
The team of researchers:
Name, surname: Stepco Elena Andrei
Qualification: dentist, upper category, dr.st.med
Function: Department of pediatric OMF surgery, pedodontics and orthodontics
Department (Employer): IP USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"
Address: mun. Chisinau, 1A Mihai Viteazul street
First name, surname: Amir Bilder
Qualification: student year V
Function: student
Department (Employer): IP USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"
Address: mun. Chisinau, 1A Mihai Viteazul street
First name, surname: Leon Bilder
Qualification: dentist, dr. med .;
Function: dentist;
Department (Employer): School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Campus of Medical Care Rambam
Address: Haifa, Israel
First name and surname: Tighineanu Marcela
Qualification: Resident
Function: Resident
Department (Employer): IP USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"
Address: mun. Chisinau, 1A Mihai Viteazul street